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Knowing Christ

Knowing Christ

The Puritans loved the Bible, and dug into it in depth. Also, they loved the
Lord Jesus, who is of course the Bible's focal figure; they circled round him,
centred on him, studied minutely all that Scripture had to say about him, and
constantly, conscientiously, exalted him in their preaching, praises, and
prayers. Mark Jones, an established expert on many aspects of Puritan thought,
also loves the Bible and its Christ, and the Puritans as expositors of both;
and out of this triune love he has written a memorable unpacking of the truth
about the Saviour according to the classic Reformed tradition, and the Puritans
supremely. Knowing Christ is a book calculated to enrich our
twenty-first-century souls, and one that it is an honour to introduce.

This is a work that will serve the church permanently in helping readers " 'to know', whether much better or for the first time, 'the love of Christ that
surpasses knowledge'. I commend it most highly. - Richard B. Gaffin"

Recommended € 15,90

Knowing Christ


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